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These  responsibly sourced Smokey Quartz points measure approximately  65mm in height and like with all natural stones colour tones, patterns and inclusions within the crystal will vary as each crystal is unique and no two are alike.

Your crystal comes fully energetically cleansed, charged and infused with Reiki and healing energy at Grand Master level.


Smoky Quartz is a form of Quartz crystal in either a brown or black transparent color. It is one of the most efficient grounding and anchoring stones in the crystal kingdom. It has the unique ability to ground us, while simultaneously raising our vibration. Warding off negativity, Smoky Quartz teaches us how to let go of all that doesn't serve us. It replaces what we no longer need with positive energy to revitalize our spirit. By continuing to promote positive thoughts and dissolving our fear of failure we begin to transform those thoughts into action. Ultimately, this transformation leads us towards living our dreams and passions and the life we deserve.

Smokey Quartz Point

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