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Elemental Energy Healing Session

Archangel Metatron Colour Healing Distance Session

30 min
44 British pounds
Distance Healing

Service Description

You may be familiar with the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. We have all of these elements within us and each element also links in to different sacred geometry and different chakras within our body. Elemental healing works with elemental energies to help heal and balance your chakras, and aura. This is a lovely grounding healing, connecting you with the energy of the elements, balancing your Yin and Yang energy, allowing your energy to flow freely, and leaving you truly connected to the world around you. During this type of healing I act as a channel for the powerful healing energy of Archangel Metatron and use the energies of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit as we work through each of your 12 main chakras to cleanse, balance and open them fully. As well as channeling the powerful energy of Archangel Metatron, a healing session may also use the energies of Metatron Colour energy sprays, crystals, colour energy, sacred geometry and affirmations. Elemental healing sessions are run as distance sessions. During your session you simply need to find somewhere you make yourself comfortable and where you won’t be disturbed for about 30 minutes.  Then just sit or lay back and relax. It is a good idea to have a blanket to hand incase you get cold, and a glass of water and/or something to eat for afterwards. It is ok if you fall asleep. If you should get disturbed do not worry, you will receive the healing whatever you are doing, it is just easier for your body to integrate the energy if you are relaxed and resting. The following day I will check in with you to see how you are doing and answer any questions you have about your session and how it went. After the session you will be sent one of the crystals used during your light body activation which will have absorbed the healing energy of your session and will be able to continue supporting you moving forward, as well as a scarf which will have absorbed the healing energies and scents from the Metatron colour energy sprays.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations made within 24 hours prior to your scheduled session are non refundable.

Contact Details

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